Discover the vibration of our Minerals

Signature Minérale offers you excellent quality minerals in boxes, with candles, jewelry and also energy treatments!

I discover energy treatments

Ecology and us

We do our utmost to adopt an ecological approach through our chosen materials. It is one of Signature Minérale's fundamental priorities to emphasize renewable and ecological products: from the manufacturing of packaging to the sending of your package.

  • La Lithothérapie

    Vous aimez les pierres et aimerez comprendre les champs d'action de la Lithothérapie ? Alors cette article est fait pour vous !

    Les bienfaits de la Lithothérapie 
  • Energy care

    You would like to receive an energy treatment in Reiki or Lithotherapy and you would like to know more

    Energy care 
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    For any questions relating to stones, energy treatments or orders

  • Le Reiki

    Découvre le Reiki et ces bienfaits sur le corps et l'esprit grâce à l'article de notre blog.

    Qu'est ce que le Reiki? 
  • The blog

    Discover the blog articles to discover or deepen your knowledge of Lithotherapy!

    Mineral Signature Blog 
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